Luisa Marie Blom

Artist based in Zurich

About Me

My name is Luisa Blom. I graduated from Gymnasium with my major in art in the summer of 2020. Because of this, I had the opportunity to go to the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste for a four-month preliminary course to be able to get into art school later this year!
Art has always been a passion of mine and has always given me a certain pride and comfort, so I am happy to be able to share my work with you today.
Currently, I am working in retail in a bakery shop in my neighborhood, gathering new experiences and getting to make new friendships. While making my own original art at home.
My dream would be to be able to go to art school and study Art Education to then go to a school and show how magical and mentally healing painting can be.


2021-2023 Vermittlung von Kunst und Design an der HGK

Aug. - Dez. 2020 Bildnerischer Vorkurs an der ZHdK

2016-2020 Kantonsschule Stadelhofen, Zürich

Matura mit Schwerpunktfach Bildnerisches Gestalten.

2013-2016 Kantonsschule Hohe Promenade, Zürich

2007-2013 Primarschule Rebacker, Herrliberg

Luisa Blom


INSTAGRAM: luisablom